Know the current circuite breaker
Circuit Breaker is the maximum limit or range of rise and fall
of the value of the share price in the form of percentage (%).
Currently DSE and CSE apply 10% circuit Breaker for its shares.
The Value of the share can’t exceed this limit .
When the value of the share touches and try to cross this limit
the authority-DSE and CSE automatically stop the trade of those shares for current day.
Explanation: Suppose the Closed price of ACI is Tk. 200. Tomorrow the value of the share can’t rise and fall morethan 10%. The 10% of 200 is Tk 20. So the Trade value of ACI can rise and fall up to 220 and 180 respectively. So the range of the trade value for this day will remain Tk. 220-180. If share price try to cross this limit than the trade of the share will end automatically for that day.
Maximum limit of rise is Tk. 220 and
Maximum limit of fall is Tk. 180
According to SEC’s letter dated January 24, 2011 , the following standard upward and downward price limits are applicable :
01 . Market Price Up to Tk. 200 - 10% (Ten Percent ) circuite breaker is allowed but not exceeding Tk.17.5 as a total
02 . Market Price Up to Tk.201 to Tk.500 - 8.75% (Eight Point Seven Five Percent ) but not exceeding Tk.37.5
03 . Market Price Up to Tk.501 to Tk. 1000 - 7.5% (Seven Point Five Percent ) but not exceeding Tk.62.5
04 . Market Price Up to Tk.1001 to Tk. 2000 - 6.25% (Six Point Two Five Percent ) but not exceeding Tk.100
05 . Market Price Up to Tk.2001 to Tk.5000 - 5% (Five Percent ) but not exceeding Tk.187.5
06 . Market Price Up to Tk.5001 and above - 3.75% (Three Point Seven Five Percent ) but not exceeding Tk.300
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