Welcome to Tips and Techniques of Getting Excellent Grades
Key Tips and Techniques of Getting Excellent Grades
Set your goal.
The way of getting excellent grade starts with setting the need of the student. At the very first beginning you have to set your optimum target.
Create a study Schedule and be discipline.
In this schedule try your best to count your each available seconds. Allocate your time properly including, The reading time, College time, Time for friends and family, time for watching TV, Etc the schedule should have a reflect of counting your each second. A perfect planning of study will make your time double even triple. The first and the most vital factor of getting an excellent grade is making a perfect schedule of college life. Without having a good routine it is really impossible to get an excellent Grade point average. be careful,
Attend all the classes.
Now you have to attend your all classes from beginning to end. Never get absence. Your attending points will help to get your optimum result. You should select a good sit in the class room. Concentrate and focus on professor’s lectures. Write down the key points outlined by professor. Always write the lecture in brief, it’s best to use abbreviations. Never try to write down all the things. Feel free to ask the questions for clarity of the lecture.
Work at Room.
Most of the students attend the classes but failed to earn excellent result because of reviewing at home. After coming back, review your lecture. Discuss the topic with your friends.
Make your own notes.
Another key point of success is unique note. Average note earn average result. But unique note can bring excellent result.
To make a unique note, you should ensure the combination of
• Using lecture
• Using textbook
• Using library and
• Discussion with your friends
Select the time to study.
The study time must not be just before the class and just end of the class. Choose wisely when you will have sufficient time to read with full concentration.
Wake up and sleeping tips.
Take the habit of getting early in the morning. You should sleep well around 6-8 hours a day.
Create favorable study environment.
The reading environment must be calm. Switch off your TV and music player before starting the study.
Maintain regular communication with your course professors’.
You should go regularly to the professor for his intellectual advice and guidelines. Make sure that you are following the advice thoroughly.
Be organized in presentation.
The final and very much important factor of getting an excellent grade point average is the perfect presentation of the answers in the answer sheet. You should follow the writing rules properly for earning an excellent grade. Illustrate your answers with an example. Never make any scratch in the script.
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